Speech Therapy and Swallowing Evaluations
Speech/Language Pathology (SLP) is a health profession providing services to persons who have disruptions in the areas of speech, language, cognition, hearing and/or swallowing. These disruptions may be developmental or due to traumatic events such as brain injury, stroke, head/neck cancer, neurological disease, or functional etiologies.
The purpose of the SLP Department is to provide a continuum of services including prevention, identification, diagnosis, consultation and treatment. In order to provide quality care, the SLP maintains current licensure with the Nebraska State Department of Health and certification with the American Speech Language and Hearing Association.
Services are provided through physician referral to infants through geriatrics in the following settings: hospital inpatients, swing bed patients, outpatients and contracting agencies such as nursing facilities and other hospitals.
Modified Barium Swallow Studies are completed in conjunction with the Medical Imaging Department.