Box Butte General Hospital Auxiliary

It would be fair to say that, if it weren't for the dedicated volunteer members of the Box Butte General Hospital Auxiliary, BBGH wouldn't be the institution it is today. The BBGH Auxiliary has been a part of the hospital's family for over 30 years, proving to be a vital resource in both volunteer and monetary support.
The Auxiliary welcomes any interest from the public in becoming a member. Members are needed and appreciated!
If interested in becoming a member of this great organization, contact, Membership Chairwoman Marlene Mischnick, 308.762.4558.
- Each active member is expected to give service in the hospital or in related committee work each month.
- Dues are due January 1st of each year. Active dues are $5.00, non-active $10.00 and life memberships are $100.00. Dues are in arrears after May 1st.
- Each volunteer must wear a pink smock (women) or blue vest (men) when serving in the hospital.
- If unable to be present for a scheduled service (e.g a scheduled shift The Gift Shop) volunteers are asked to arrange for a substitute.